Big Brother Recap: Who Became the First Evictee of Season 23?

We could use a lot of adjectives to describe Big Brother‘s first week of Season 23, but “boring” sure isn’t one of ’em.

Entertaining? For sure. Surprising? Definitely. An absolute mess? On several occasions, yes! Thanks to Frenchie’s paranoia-filled Head of Household reign, which seemed to yield endless combinations of targets and alliances for the farmer, the past eight days have been surprisingly eventful, including a rare use of the Week 1 Power of Veto.

In the end, swimwear designer Alyssa and tech startup something-something Travis found themselves at risk of becoming the season’s first evictee. But which one scooped up their duffel bag before they’d even fully unpacked? Read on for the details of Thursday’s episode:

THE STRATEGY | After strategizing relentlessly all week, and locking in his final nominations at the veto ceremony, Frenchie is still scoping out ways to protect himself. He makes two separate alliances, consisting of a combined 11 — out of 16! — houseguests. First, there’s The Slaughterhouse, made up of Frenchie, Alyssa, Brent, Derek F., Whitney, Kyland, Christian and Xavier. (Whew!) Then, there’s the French Kisses, which includes Frenchie, Hannah, Azah, Tiffany and Claire. (Maybe Sarah Beth, too? Unclear.)

Frenchie feels secure on all sides after forming these partnerships, but he’s pretty much the only one who believes the alliances are legitimate. One by one in the Diary Room, members of both The Slaughterhouse and The French Kisses divulge that they don’t actually trust Frenchie very much, and they’re willing to cut and run the moment Frenchie starts dragging them down. Travis, for his part, tries to win votes by gamely giving Kyland a lap dance for his 30th birthday, which isn’t the worst strategy anyone’s ever had in this house.

THE EVICTION | Another item for the “Sure, Travis, Why Not?” list: He chooses to deliver his pre-eviction speech shirtless, then cracks a joke at the end about mysterious stains the houseguests might find on his bedsheets after he’s gone. “It’s not what you might think. I was pranked with shaving cream when I was asleep,” he says. OK!

But Travis’ good sense of humor isn’t enough to keep him in the house: He’s evicted by a vote of 11-2, with only Derek F. and Tiffany — the latter of whom is one of Travis’ Queens teammates — opting to keep him.

THE HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD COMPETITION | And with that, Frenchie’s utterly chaotic turn as Head of Household is over, which is a little bittersweet: Like Marie Kondo, I love mess. But it’s time to crown a new HOH, which will be the houseguest who 1) successfully shoots a ball into a giant shark’s open mouth, and 2) does it from the most difficult starting point in the backyard.

Alyssa sinks her ball first, then she’s quickly dethroned by Brent — but Kyland ultimately beats them both, and he becomes Head of Household when no other houseguests knock him out. Plus, with Kyland’s victory, his teammates on The Queens — Tiffany and Claire — are safe for the week, too.

With that, I hand it over to you. Were you bummed to see Travis evicted so soon? And who do you think Kyland will nominate? Drop your thoughts in a comment below!

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